




  • TRAINER: Maleeva F. Epperson
  • LOCATION: Mount Joy, PA
  • DATE & TIME: Saturday, 04/13/2019   1pm-5:30pm

Register through PayPal

Motives: 1 to 1 Training Course

Trainer will discuss the Market Place (evaluation of beauty industry, sales, demand, etc.) so as to identify the need. You will also learn how to 'speak in themes' and create positive gossip while prospecting. A live demonstration of an individual consult will help you to observe sales technique, proper communication & closing the sale. There will also be a chance to observe a 'Beauty Basics' event, with focus on how to properly duplicate this affordable and effective retail event. Trainer will also provide examples of an action plan and the income potential based on incorporating the demonstrated consultations and events. Lastly, various marking materials will be discussed in an effort to empower you to feel confident and equipped in leveraging Motives in your UnFranchise Business..


  • TRAINER: Maleeva F. Epperson
  • LOCATION: Mount Joy, PA
  • DATE & TIME: Sunday, 04/14/2019  10am-2:30pm

Register through PayPal

Motives Custom: Blend Your Beauty

Trainer will open class by identifying the need of a customizable product line and educating class on what makes Motives such a viable solution. Basic Color Theory will be taught so that attendees understand the purpose and intent of the various products that we offer in our Custom Blend Mineral kits. The Art of Communication will be discussed, as this is essential in creating long lasting client relationships. The entire class will have the opportunity to follow along, step by step, in creating their own personalized custom blended liquid and / or mineral powder. Trainer will discuss how to work together with a team to maximize sales at a 'Blend Your Beauty Event' and how to properly brand you and promote the product. Lastly, you will hear about the incredible


  • TRAINER: Maleeva F. Epperson
  • LOCATION: Mount Joy, PA
  • DATE & TIME: Friday,  04/12/2019   5-9:30pm

Register through PayPal

Skincare: 1 to 1 Training Course

Class will begin with a description of industry statistics and consumer demand. Trainer will then differentiate our brands so that you understand the uniqueness of our exclusively branded products. Attendees will have a chance to interact with one another and practice 'Conducting a Consultation' with questions guided by the trainer. There will be a live demonstration of how to conduct an 'All About Skin' event, which is a systemized, duplicatable retail event with a written guideline & included marketing / sales materials. Lastly trainer will discuss income possibilities based on building share of customer, being a product of the product and embracing the Shopping Annuity.


  • TRAINER: Maleeva F. Epperson
  • LOCATION: Mount Joy, PA
  • DATE & TIME: Sunday 01/14/19 4-6pm
  • Register through PayPal

Motives Application Workshops (The Art of Makeup: A Guided Application, Advanced Custom Blend)

Each class is designed to be interactive and fun. Trainer will discuss the function of each step and the features and benefits of our exclusive products. Social Media Marketing tips will be discussed and demonstrated, as well. The intent and goal of these workshops is to help UnFranchise Owners feel confident about purchasing their own products because they have a chance to learn how to use and apply them. By being a product of the product, they will also have more success in retailing the product. The trainer discuss FAQ's and answer questions.


  • TRAINER: Maleeva F. Epperson
  • LOCATION: Mount Joy, PA
  • DATE & TIME: Saturday 04/13/19  10am-12pm

Register through PayPal

Motives Workshops (Motives Marketing, Advanced Skin Solutions)

Attendees will participate in this interactive class and actually create their own, personalized Motives Online Party. The trainer will demonstrate and discuss how to create a social atmosphere via. FB and / or e-mail. Ideas for guest interaction, games, incentives, etc. will be shared as well as an example of a schedule to maximize your time and create duplication.

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Loren Ridinger

Copyright©2016 Market America, Inc.
Motives is a Market America trademark registered in the U.S.A
